Premix Code of Conduct
The Foundation of our business is in commonly defined values, which are: appreciation, courage, and passion.
Our values are visible in our everyday working lives, reflecting our daily behavior. We want to be trustworthy and act responsibly and ethically towards our customers, partners, employees, directors, and all other counterparts in Business.
Our key priority is to develop and maintain a financially stable and prosperous business. We want to be accountable to our employees, business associates as well as society. The Premix Group (hereinafter “Premix” or “We”) board has approved these ethical codes and will monitor, with the help of our management team, managers, and employees, that these are followed.
We at Premix comply with the laws and rules wherever We operate. Laws and directives set the minimum standard for our way of working and, on top of this, steer our operations by various standards and voluntary commitments. We comply with good business practices and demand the same from our business partners and suppliers.
We operate all over the world, so cultural differences may have an influence on our decision-making process. In decision-making, We shall always comply with the strictest standards, regardless if those are based on either national or international
regulation. Therefore, We want to refer to the Premix way of working or our Code of Conduct. It is important to bear in mind that if some practice does not comply with the law, it is neither ethically acceptable to Premix.
2.1 Occupational Safety and Healthcare
Occupational health care, safety, and well-being are of utmost importance to us here in Premix. We take occupational safety very seriously and work constantly towards our goal, which is an “accident-free” working environment.
2.2 Leadership and Processes
We at Premix expect every director, manager, and employee to follow our commonly defined values and processes. We encourage every Premix employee to embrace respect and trust by acting as a prime example according to processes and guidelines.
We want to secure the necessary knowledge of every Premix employee to enable them to do their work in accordance with the highest standards. To ensure that Premix evolves, We train our personnel and encourage everyone to develop themselves.
2.3 Discrimination
We at Premix do not accept any kind of discrimination. All employees are to be treated equally, irrespective of race, religion, age, gender, pregnancy, marital status, parenthood, invalidity, sexual orientation, labor union, or political opinion. Employees are to be treated with respect. These principles are also applied to our business partner’s employees and their representatives.
2.4 Inappropriate Behavior and Sexual Harassment
We at Premix expect that every employee has a right to personal integrity. Any kind of physical and verbal - direct or indirect offense - is (in whatever meaning) prohibited. We do not approve of abusive or inappropriate behavior.
2.5 Prohibition of Child and Forced Labor
We at Premix do not use child or forced labor and do not cooperate with business partners or subcontractors who use such labor.
We at Premix always compete fairly and ethically with the highest degree of integrity in accordance with national and international legislation. We comply with the competition laws wherever We operate. Our competitive edge rests on high-quality products and services. We ensure that our advertisement and all communication give a trustworthy picture of our products and services.
We at Premix are committed to the global Responsible Care program. We operate according to the guiding principles of “Responsible Care” and legal requirements. We continuously improve our functions in the field of environmental protection, occupational safety, health care, plant safety, product stewardship, and logistics.
5.1 Conflict of Interest
Conflict of interest exists when our personal benefits and our duties as an employee or as company spokesman contradicts our actions. Conflict of interest may relate to entertainment, corporate gifts, charity, political support, or close relationship between business partners or competitors. We at Premix always base our decisions on fairness, equality, and moral ethics so that
our personal benefit does not become affected by our decisions.
5.2 Inappropriate Payments or Benefits (corruption)
We at Premix never offer, give, approve, or accept any kind of financial or other kinds of benefits in return for a favor or treat, and do not try to affect (in any way), the business results. We comply with all laws related to anti-bribery and anti-corruption.
5.3 Business Gifts and Entertainment
We at Premix do not approve, offer, or ask for any kind of hospitality or gifts which may affect our own or our business associate’s decision-making or present such an opinion. All given or taken gifts or hospitality have to be reasonable and
5.4 Money Laundering
We at Premix do not accept, endorse, or support money laundering. We comply with laws and practices to prevent, detect, and report money laundering and to report any suspicious transactions.
5.5 Fraud
We at Premix do not accept intentional distortion, deceit, trickery, perversion of truth, or breach of confidence to gain an unjust advantage. We comply with laws and practices to prevent, detect, and report fraud.
We at Premix want to maintain and develop business relationships that are beneficial to both parties. Suppliers, customers, as well as business associates. Our business relationships are based on honesty, trust, and immunity to external influences. We at Premix also demand that our business associates share our code of conduct.
Our suppliers shall act responsibly and respect our following principles and values: compliance with all the applicable laws, respect of human rights, prohibition of child and forced labor, prohibition of corruption, and also to try to follow a sustainable way of working. This obligation also applies to contracts made with third parties.
We respect Premix’s and our stakeholder’s confidential information. We ensure that all confidential information brought to our knowledge is secured and safe. We respect everyone’s right to data protection and data privacy when personal
data is processed.
The protection of confidential information is reflected in all our processes, daily work, and our way of communicating at Premix.
We at Premix demand that all the employees and directors follow these ethical principles in their work life and are held accountable for following these procedures. Employee’s duty of loyalty refrains the employee from behaving in a manner that would be contrary to his employer’s interests. In principle, the employee must not act or comment in a way that shows the employer, its customers, or cooperation partners in a negative light. This applies to acting in social media, too.
We encourage our employees, business associates, and stakeholders to tell us if they suspect that someone is acting against the law or Premix’s Code of Conduct.
We truly believe that sincerity helps us to act responsibly and according to the legislation. It is the duty of all Premix employees to know the latest guidance related to their own work. If there is any doubt about how to act, or you have any questions, please ask your manager. You can also contact our HR department or your management team.
If someone acts against this ethical guidance, it might lead to the termination of the labor contract or other appropriate sanctions. In addition, the termination of the employment contract must always have legal grounds based on the employment contract act.