Analytica China 2023 | Shanghai, China

Analytica China is China's international trade fair for laboratory technology, analysis, and biotechnology. Its unique exhibition profile unites all topics pertaining to modern research and industry analysis. The various exhibition sectors will give a comprehensive overview of the market. In addition to the exhibition, there's a scientific analysis conference and accompanying tutorials.

Analytica China 2023

11.07.2023 - 13.07.2023

National Exihibition and Convention Center, Shanghai, China

At your service:

Tim Zhang
Premix Trading Shanghai Ltd
+86 13761881243

Helly Wang
Premix Trading Shanghai Ltd
+86 18018550386

Stanley Liu
Shanghai Qizheng International Trading Co., Ltd.
+86 13764639488


Analytica China 2023 | Shanghai, China

Premix booth:


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Premix is committed to protecting your privacy. Click here to read our Privacy Statement.