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PRE-ELEC® electrically conductive plastics bring safety for hazardous environments and protection for sensitive electronic components

Material requirements and standards are getting tighter, especially when operating in ATEX and ESD environments. The high material requirements of the transport and packaging industry inspire us to continuously develop new sustainable and functional materials to meet the needs of our customers.

Solutions for ESD safety and EPA environments

The rising need for complex electronic components, such as those in electric cars, creates a demand for protective packaging materials for storage and transportation. ESD sheets and trays protect fragile electronic components, such as wafers, microprocessors, and others, from unintended electrostatic discharge and mechanical incidents.

Our PRE-ELEC® compounds have high and durable conductivity and excellent dispersion. They are easy to process, recyclable, and resist wear and tear very well.


ESD Containers

Polypropylene corrugated boards can be cut and folded into different transportation boxes and containers for electronics. They are an excellent replacement for corrugated cartons. They can also be used as separator boards in packaging solutions.

Polypropylene corrugated boards do not emit dust, do not absorb moisture, and have excellent impact resistance.


ESD trays

ESD trays provide protection against electrostatic discharge. The discharge can be caused by external factors (e.g., ungrounded personnel or equipment) or internal factors (the electronic components moving in the container).

The trays can be thermoformed to fit exactly the components they are meant for, ensuring fit and protecting the components from sudden movements during transportation. The trays can also be designed so that they are easy to use safely with minimal training. Lids and locks can be added to increase safety.

ESD mats and EPA furniture elements

In EPA zones*, conductive sheets can be used in furniture elements and accessories, such as table covers, mats, and edges. They create ESD protection for sensitive electronics, enabling longer operation times for electronic devices. EVA and TPU-based conductive plastics can be used to create anti-slippage surfaces (e.g., mats).

* EPA zones = ESD protected areas. 

Solutions for explosive (ATEX) environments

Replacing metal with plastics reduces weight and cost, makes assembly easy, and prevents corrosion and thus prolongs the utilization time of the end-product.


Evaporation control in tanks

Polyethylene sheets are used as elements of internal floating roofs for combustible chemicals evaporation control in tanks.


Drum spill trays

Polyethylene sheets can be thermoformed and used as drum spill trays to prevent leakage of the chemicals.


Controlling static discharge inside closed spaces

Flame-retardant polyethylene/polypropylene sheets are used to control static discharge inside closed spaces, like mines, cement plants, or any plants handling products with fine particles or gases.

Safety covers under production lines

HDPE-based sheets can add explosion safety under production lines that transport and process fine particles, such as powder, which are classified as highly explosive.

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